Please review the Annual Update manual before proceeding with the test below.
You can view or download the manual by clicking here.  (Adobe Reader required)



Please select the correct answer for each of the following.

1)  Who should you report harassment to?

2)  Which of the following is a good way to prevent employee injuries?

3)  Which of the following is a way to customize care for a pre-schooler (3-5 yr. old)?

4)  In the end of life care, the patient, family and significant other have the right to expect:

5)  Which of the following is TRUE about Chain-of Command?

6)  All hospitals call codes that impact patient health or are related to patient safety.
     All of the following are codes except:

7)  Which of the following is TRUE about workplace safety?

8)  Intimidation is a form of harassment and can not be tolerated
9)  Fall is considered a preventable event. Fall prevention would include all of the following except:

10)  Which two patient identifiers should you use when treating a patient?

11)  HIPPA is a Federal Privacy Act that protects patient’s medical records and other health information.
       Which of the following is TRUE?

12)  What is your FIRST response to an earthquake?

13)  Which healthcare employees are mandated by law to report suspected abuse or neglect to the authorities?


14)  Which of the following is TRUE about patients’ rights in the hospital?

15)  Which of the following is a good reason to call the Rapid Response team?

16)  With Universal Protocol, it is standard to mark the surgical site of a patient going to surgery.
17)  Which of the following is TRUE about oxygen safety?

18)  Identify the approved abbreviations.

19)  How can you protect yourself form radiation exposure at work?

20)  How could you customize care for a 90-year-old?

21)  Which of the following is part of the medication safety program?

22)  Which of the following is TRUE about blood borne pathogens?

23)  Which culture is least likely to look you directly in the eyes?

24)  Which of the following is part of Core Measures?

25)  Which of these patients is NOT a potential organ/tissue donor?

26)  Restraint criteria must include which of the following?

27)  OSHA requires organizations to:

28)  Critical thinking:

29)  The Joint Commission introduces new Patient Safety Goals every year. #7 for 2024 is Prevent Infections.  Which of the following is TRUE:

30)  What are the most effective techniques in reducing the spread of MRSA in any facility?

31)  The signs of early recognition of the Ebola virus is critical in your evaluation of any patients. The symptoms are elevated temperature, severe headache, muscle pain, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and hemorrhage.
32)  If a patient in a hospital is suspected of having the Ebola virus, infection control precautions do not have to be put in place until a definite diagnosis is made.
33)  Ebola virus symptoms usually begin after an incubation period ranging from 2 days to 21 days.
34)  The United States currently has FDA approved vaccines and medicine for use in the treatment of the Ebola virus.
35)  It is acceptable to receive money from a patient if he/she offers it and no one sees the transaction.



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